Friday, January 30, 2009

Opposite Ends of The Sprectrum

To day was probably the most interresting day that I have had in a while. I went from celebrating the life of an unborn childs life to a retirement party for my grandpa. It was just a weird day. One of my best friends growing up had a miscarriage on her birthday and they had a funeral for him today. Talk about sad! What a way to spend your birthday. I can't even begin to imagine what she is going through. My grandpa is retiring and they had a party for him today. It pretty much was a party of old men and very few women getting together and talking. I knew no one. I thought I might pick me up a man or something but once I got a glimpse at the crowd I decided that probably wasn't a good

I also went to buy "beverage" makings and I didn't get ID'd I was a little excited because normally they won't even let me in the door without looking at my ID. I think it because I dyed my hair darker and it makes me look older and more mature. Also I look HOTT!! lol

Life latly has been all about focusing on fun. What can I do to have a good fun day? I am making new friends and just having fun. I am not going to lie going to school full time and working full time has not been what most people would call fun, but I am coping. I am trying to think outside of the box. Better yet, I am trying to live outside the box and having a blast doing it. Well I guess that is all for now.

Thats all for now.

Livin big in a small world!

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